Thursday, September 26, 2019

Make Money From Youtube with No Filming, No Marketing and No Website!

Learn the YouTube secrets the Pros use!

Are you looking for ways to make money online TODAY? 

  • Make money from Youtube with no filming, no marketing, and no website.
  • Choose from millions of done for you videos and make them yours.
  • Start making money with NO experience or any technical knowledge whatsoever immediately.
  • Receive regular payments by check or wire transfer direct to your bank account.


How to Become an Amazon associate for FREE!

Become an Amazon associate and start earning today! 

An Amazon associate is part of the Amazon Affiliate program. Members can join the program for free and start promoting products with a special affiliate link. 

The commission rate varies depending on the department you picked to promote. For example, Luxury beauty pays 10% and digital products pays 5%.

Payments are sent out monthly. However, they are paid after you earned over $100 (payment threshold). For example, if you earned commission in January, you will receive a payment in late March if it was over $100.00. If it's less than $100 no payment will be sent until you meet the threshold.

"Payments are made monthly if your balance meets the minimum threshold." 
"Advertising fees are paid by direct deposit, Gift Certificate, or check approximately 60 days after the end of the month for which they are being paid."


    It's easy and free to join! 
    Get up and running today. Just one approval to join — no third-party advertiser approvals. 

    Choose from over a million products to advertise to your customers. Whether you are a large network, content site or blogger, we have simple linking tools to meet your advertising needs and help you monetize your web site. 

    Get up to 10% in advertising fees
    Earn advertising fees from Qualifying Purchases, not just the products you advertised.
    Plus, our competitive conversion rates help you maximize your earnings. 

For more information about this FREE opportunity visit:

Disclaimer: I will NOT receive a commission from this link. This is a free opportunity for my fellow entrepreneurs.

How to start an online business as a travel agent!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How to find your Niche Market

These days, it’s all about starting your own business. Unfortunately, too many new business owners believe that all they have to do to be successful is put up a website and watch the money roll in. While having a dedicated website is essential for any business, you aren't really in business if that's all you do. Too many would-be business owners aren’t prepared to put in the time and energy that is required to correctly research a niche to determine whether the niche they want will be viable and make them money.

Finding a niche that pays and then creating content, products, and services for that niche, is the only way you will be able to build a solid foundation for a successful online business. Finding a profitable niche is also the best way to achieve the level of success and the kind of profits that most online business owners need to make their daily efforts worthwhile. It can be incredibly easy not to pick a lucrative niche when you are excited about all the great ideas that you have floating around in your head for making money online.

It is also easy to settle into a niche that you've heard are popular and where people are making a ton of money selling online. Enthusiasm and passion play crucial roles when it comes to running your own business, but it is just as essential to do your research before you dive in head first. All the large companies throughout the world spend their time researching the market before they ever release new products to the public.

The research they conduct allows them to see if there is any interest in the public for the potential product. Unfortunately, a majority of new business owners get this step wrong. Instead of doing the proper research first, they start by spending their time and resources on creating a new product, then spend money on launching the product, and later they try to find a market for it, only to be met with failure and a product that nobody is interested in buying.

The secret to finding success with your online business starts with finding a paying market. Once you find a paying market, you can create a product for that market and then launch the product by marketing directly to the paying market that you've found. The best niche marketing strategies and tactics are based on conducting detailed research and building solid relationships with prospective customers in your niche. While there are a lot of popular niches that you can choose from, not all of them will be profitable.

While you can make some money with bargain basement kinds of customers, it will be much more lucrative for you to create products for people who are willing to pay a reasonable price for real solutions to the problems that they are facing. This is the basis for a sustainable and successful online business. If you want to be successful online, you have to find happy and loyal customers that will be willing to come back time and again to buy from you. If you do all the right things, you will even have some customers that will be willing to buy every new product that you launch.

However, if you don't do the proper research from the start, you will end up putting in hours of your time and energy into your business only to discover that you don't have a viable business after all. Your attempt to get your website or blog up and running and trying to create a product to sell will only waste your time unless you know that you've chosen a niche in a paying market. Once you select the right niche in a paying market, you will start to earn the profits that you need to find success and meet your financial goals.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Why I decided to start a business Blog

I actually started a blog years ago but had no idea what to do with it. It was about relationship woes after divorce. I didn't know how to advertise or promote my blog so that idea came and went.

Fast forward to years later. I'm getting back to business. After doing research, I noticed that blogs are actually successful for the content I wanted to discuss. I had no idea individuals would be interested in my nerdy conversations about business, public relations, marketing and advertising tips. 

You see. I studied public relations, image management, advertising and marketing in college. However, I never actually used this knowledge. I got a job with the government straight out of college that paid way more then my fancy internship with an Ad firm I landed back in Chicago. 

What a mistake!

My low paying internship at the Ad firm could have paved the way for great opportunities in the future. I found myself at TV studios helping talent, before their segment, making sure they hit all the talking points for what they were promoting. I've walked pass celebs casually walking around the office. Been on set for filming with talent. Writing press releases, collab with athletes and corporations for grand openings and shoe deals. 

I gave that up for a guaranteed check every two weeks. I'm not complaining. It has served its purposed for taking care of my family, but now it's back to business time for me!

Thanks for reading,

How to increase Email open rates & Boost Conversion (FREE Ebook)

Unboxing my light kit to make youtube videos

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Youtube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your following and Making Money as a Influencer

YouTube has changed our world—from how we view video to how we connect and market—opening a new entrepreneurial landscape to ambitious individuals. Thousands of people generate six to seven figures annually from online video content. And, with the right roadmap, you too could be en route to real influence and income. In YouTube Secrets, online video experts Sean Cannell and Benji Travis draw on a decade of experience as well as interviews with more than one hundred top creators to give you a step-by-step YouTube success playbook. You’ll learn - The seven essential ingredients for a profitable channel - New strategies for getting views and subscribers - Ten ways to make money on YouTube - And much more Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, this book will show you how to use YouTube to build a following, create a lucrative business, and make a massive impact in people’s lives.

Disclaimer: This is an Affiliate link. I will receive a small commission if you use this link to purchase the product.

1st step to Boost Your Website Traffic

Over the last several decades, the real world has moved online, and so has the money. Whether it's for a commercial website, personal blog, turning a profit through online advertising, or finding a way to improve the exposure for your business, today's currency of success heavily relies on being able to cultivate more traffic to your website.

While the world may be getting smaller, the Internet is quickly getting much larger, and it seems that everybody wants a piece of the pie.

The good news is that a majority of visitors to the millions of websites, get funneled through the rather narrow search engines to the various sites. This leaves the market far from saturated
regarding a division of resources. Therefore, there are still plenty of ways that you can successfully direct more people to your website.

Unfortunately, with everything good, there has to be something terrible. Most of the ways that you can drive traffic to your site as evident as they may be are only entirely understood by those people who have dedicated themselves to understanding Search Engine Optimization, (SEO) and digital marketing strategies, merely because they are more driven to do so.

Consequently, a job that is so simple anyone can perform it with the basic understanding of how to operate a computer ends up being done by specialized digital marketing firms that increase the operational costs for small businesses like yours.

By far the first step in boosting traffic is creating good content.When you begin to create the content for your site, you want to identify the styles of content that will benefit you the most. Determine whether the information you are trying to convey will be better discussed in a short video, or will it be better to create a podcast or textual article.

Having a more significant variation in the styles of your content will allow the visitors to your site to scratch different itches depending on their mood at the time. By using various media to convey your information you can satiate your visitor's need to learn through video, audio, or literary outlets all at once.

When it comes to the frequency of posted content, you want to make sure that you do so on a regular basis. Nothing turns away an existing visitor base quicker than a stagnant website. 
People are only willing to invest their time in a site that continues to develop and grow, rather than wasting their time on a site that seems to be dying out and heading towards the cyber graveyard.

Thanks for reading,

10 Steps to Successfully start your business

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How to start an online hair business today for FREE!

Yes! You read that correctly. You can start a hair business and a host of other businesses for FREE with Affiliate marketing.

Becoming an affiliate marketer for a hair company can become a lucrative business. Virgin Hair companies offer products that range from $80 up to $300 per item. Imagine receiving 15% commission from every $500 sale.

So What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

So basically you get paid to refer a customer to the website through your specific affiliate link. Once the customer clicks your link and makes a purchase, you receive 15% commission from the final sale price. If you're interested in this kind of opportunity I've listed a company that I work with below. 

Disclaimer: I will not receive a referral commission. This is FREE information to help my fellow entrepreneurs. 

Hair company that offers a affiliate program:

  • Free to join, no start up costs
  • Offers virgin hair bundles and wigs
  • 15% commission on final sale price
  • Offers back office marketing materials
  • Pays weekly through direct deposit or debit card
  • Website to sign up:

How to Obtain Mental Clarity in your Business to Achieve Greater Success

Our minds are a fantastic thing. It is full of immense possibilities and has unlimited capabilities. However, in today’s overstimulated and fast-paced world, our minds can quickly become overwhelmed. Many people feel that their minds are never at peace.

There is a constant commotion that never stops, with an out of control banging of thoughts that can leave them feeling nervous, worried, sad, or troubled. They are never at peace with themselves and can never seem to get out of their ruts and move forward to accomplish their goals. Often, they feel unfocused and disoriented.

These are all clear signs of a cluttered mind. When our minds become overworked, it can lead to an inability to think straight, which can result in a loss of productivity. If you feel like your mind is racing faster than you can keep up, it is essential that you take care of yourself and find a way to declutter your mind so that you can gain mental clarity and achieve greater success.

Fortunately, there are ways that you can train your brain to slow down and focus. The first thing that you need to understand are the various things that can lead to a cluttered mind in the first place.

Too many people spend their lives carrying around baggage from the past. We hold on to things that were beyond our control and past grudges and worries that we can't change. However, it is essential to understand that the past is gone and if you want to gain mental clarity you have to learn to let go of the past. The burden of the past can be incredibly heavy and will influence the present if allowed, and will impair your actions and judgments and keep you from achieving greater success.

Another problem that people face when it comes to mental clarity is the constant, unremitting chatter that fills our heads. It can render you incapable of experiencing the real joys in life and impairs your cognitive abilities. It can slow you down, and affect your decision-making abilities and leave you feeling confused, bewildered and absent-minded.

When you can learn how to quiet this constant chatter, you can start to clear your mind and gain the clarity you need to succeed in your business. Negative thoughts can also affect your abilities to process constructive ideas. Unfortunately, if they are allowed to remain in your mind, negative thought patterns will eventually become a part of your personality.

They will begin to influence both your thoughts and actions and keep you from accomplishing your goals. You need to gain a clear understanding of the mechanisms of negative thought patterns so you can learn the different ways to break them.

When our minds are cluttered with things from the past and negative thoughts we can't find happiness. The negative thoughts that we have cause us to complain about our shortcomings rather than counting the blessings in our lives. We end up forgoing the simple joys in life without giving it much thought. However, you can change all of this by developing a greater sense of mental clarity and space.

The reality is that mental clutter, when not dealt with, not only will influence your mind, but it can also lead to physical manifestations as well. Taking the time to clear your mind of all the clutter, and develop strategies for success is incredibly important if you want to enjoy greater success.

Thanks for reading,